COM nu TIES seuils/drempels/thresholds
Opening ISELP 22.09.2017 18:00-21:00
Opening ARGOS 23.09.2017 18:00 - 21:00
What does a community still mean for us today? What thresholds do we have to cross in order to meet the other? How do we define a community?
Argos and ISELP, two Brussels institutions that have links with the main Belgian communities, team up to organize a large-scale exhibition about the theme at both venues, using Argos’s extensive film and video collection. Additionally, we organize an extra programme with lectures, debates and performances.
Through the various perspectives of the artist we want to explore what is this space that defines communities—and gives rise to them. Furthermore, we delve into the question what unites communities and drives them apart. For us, studying the theme of communities does not mean simply showing projects that were jointly realized, but rather observing the result of links between communities and the world around them.
Four contemplative axes function as chapters or itineraries along which we explore the implicit complexity of this theme, while at the same time we consider the thresholds that condition the existence or non-existence of communities in our societies.
∩∪ Urbanity: Whether we are talking about public places or simply the street: these urban transition places are places where people live and communicate.
∩∪ Sociability: Our contemporary world is extremely fragmented and individualistic—is it still possible to act in this world in a way that is specifically related to communities?
∩∪ Politics: What sort of political actions are we referring to when communities express themselves?
∩∪ Environment: How does the environment determine the life of communities, and vice versa, how does the life of communities influence the environment? What is the responsibility of societies with regard to this issue?
Films and videos by
Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Silvia Beck, Ruben Bellinkx, Justin Bennett, Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, Jef Cornelis, Teresa Cos, Jos De Gruyter & Harald Thys, Els Dietvorst, Peter Dowsnbrough, Effi & Amir, Pieter Geenen, Ira A. Goryainova, Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo, Esther Johnson, Dagmar Keller & Martin Wittwer, Ken Kobland, Michel Lorand, Jan Locus, Vincent Meessen, Julia Meltzer & David Thorne, Mara Montoya, Bernard Mulliez, Hans Op de Beeck, Els Opsomer, Miguel Peres dos Santos, Marie-Françoise Plissart, Nicolas Provost, Aïlien Reyns, Shelly Silver, Krassimir Terziev, Harald Thys, Sarah Vanagt, Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby.
Exhibition design by Sarah & Charles
The ISELP ‘screens’ the issue of the cinema—in the twentieth century the communal space par excellence. The screening programme changes every three weeks.
Argos evokes the video lounge: an in-depth reflection on the idea of the nineteenth-century salon, a metaphor for formats that were so powerful that they resulted in the creation of new communities and a way to allow us a glance into how new communities are created.
Curated by Ive Stevenheydens & Maïté Vissault
Gerelateerde evenementen

zo 24.9.2017
- zo 17.12.2017
11:00 - 18:00 -
Praktische info
Werfstraat 13 rue du Chantier
1000 Brussels
+32 2 229 00 03ISELP
Boulevard de Waterloo 31
1000 Brussels
+32 2 504 80 70Opening hours ARGOS:
from Wednesday to Sunday, from 11am to 6pm
FREE ENTRANCE: Open from 11 am till late night until 9pm every first Wednesday of the month.
We are always open on public holidays (except Winter holidays).
Opening hours ISELP:
from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11am to 6pm
Entrance Tickets:
6 € Individual visitor
4 € Students, seniors (+60), unemployed
1,25 € Ticket Article 27
2 € Paspartoe aan kansentarief
0 € -18, teacher, ICOM card, press, IKT members, SUBBACULTCHA members and every 1st Wednesday of the month
We are partners with Paspartoe (, dynamoPROJECT & dynamoOPWEG
NB: The entrance ticket is a personal pass that gives you unlimited access to the exhibition. -
- Herman Asselberghs
- Sven Augustijnen
- Cooper Battersby
- Sylvia Beck
- Ruben Bellinkx
- Justin Bennett
- Amir Borenstein
- Libia Castro
- Jef Cornelis
- Teresa Cos
- Raphaël Cuomo
- Jos De Gruyter
- Els Dietvorst
- Peter Downsbrough
- Emily Vey Duke
- Pieter Geenen
- Ira A. Goryainova
- Maria Iorio
- Esther Johnson
- Dagmar Keller
- Ken Kobland
- Jan Locus
- Michel Lorand
- Vincent Meessen
- Julia Meltzer
- Mara Elsa Montoya
- Bernard Mulliez
- Ólafur Ólafsson
- Hans Op de Beeck
- Els Opsomer
- Miguel Peres dos Santos
- Marie-Françoise Plissart
- Nicolas Provost
- Ailien Reyns
- Shelly Silver
- Krassimir Terziev
- David Thorne
- Harald Thys
- Sarah Vanagt
- Effi Weiss
- Martin Wittwer
- Werken
- Housewarming
- Here... Here, it is nice
- Voices
- Former East / Former West
- Not a matter of if but when: brief records of a time in which expectations were repeatedly raised and lowered and people grew exhausted from never knowing if the moment was at hand or still to come
- Dear Lorde
- Atomium In/Out
- The Mourning of the Sea
- Stasis
- Twisted Realism
- Plot Point
- Astrology of a Friday
- Altogether
- Tokyo Giants
- The Intruder
- Le Guide du Parc
- Confusing Drum
- Hinterland
- home
- Say Hello to Peace and Tranquility
- Beauty Plus Pity
- Occupied
- First elections [v.2 - 2007]
- Memories of Glory
- Before the rain (a village)
- Moscow X
- Stardust
- Monu-mental
- Lobbyists
- The apple eater
- Border
- Alone Together, the Social Life of Benches
- James Lee Byars: World Question Center
- The Distance Between Us
- Die Ruinen von Europa
- Caregivers
- The Rabbit and the Teasel
- this was before...
- 10th of November | 09:05
- The Spinning Wheel
- The Conversation
- Art Security Service