Cooper Battersby currently lives in LaFayette (USA). He received his diploma in computer programming at Okanagan College and worked as a lead technician at the organisation Video In.
Since 1994 he has collaborated as an artist and curator with Emily Vey Duke, producing works on paper, installations and sound pieces. Under the influence of Steve Reinke, with whom they studied at the University of Western Ontario, they began working mostly with video in 1997-’98.
Central to the autobiographical video work of Duke and Battersby is the focus on the self-image, a handling of simplicity and an attempt at interacting with the viewer. Their shared videos read as a diary that shows events that the artists experience for the first time.
The pair’s actions are searching in nature and relate to the performance and the monologue. At times raw, sometimes amusing, but always introspective and radical, reduction and identification form the key techniques in their shared work. Duke and Battersby search for a very simple visual language that zooms in on the essential. That visual language is seductive to the viewer and has an analytical strength. Rather than choosing ambiguity the artists convey their naked message clearly. Precisely because the pair tries to erase complexity from their videowork, a complicated knot of emotions is laid bare. Besides this there is room for identification on the part of the viewer; in Duke and Battersby’s videos there resides a great potential for ’passive interaction’. Their actions, anecdotes or malaises gain several layers of meaning if the viewer looks at them through the spectacles of personal experience. In this manner Duke and Battersby comment on human relationships, existential problems, boredom or the fear of losing the other, with humour and lucidity. Sometimes structured as brief episodes - as is the case in videos Rapt and Happy (1999) and Being Fucked Up (2001) - and at other times as an associative stream of consciousness (Bad Ideas for Paradise, 2002) the pair invariably interrupts its video footage with minimalist, lo-fi animation that represent human yet absurdist situations with self-concocted a cappella songs. Finally these craftily produced, highly personal works have a voyeuristic edge: they present themselves to the viewer as diaries left lying about, that hungrily await their sneaky discoverers. The work of Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby has been exhibited in galleries and at festivals in North and South America and throughout Europe.

- ° 1971 Penticton, British Columbia (Canada).
- Everyone is Sick and Laughing a Little: Works by Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby
- Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby - Dear Lorde
- Tim Etchells - Order Cannot Help You Now
- Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby - Get Help
- Carte blanche Luxembourg City Film Festival
- EMAF 2019
- Unfamiliarised familiarities [Nuit Blanche PARIS, Public and free-acces event. Dazibao Project, Université Pierre et Marie Curie]
- COM nu TIES seuils/drempels/thresholds - A duoshow with ISELP
- Biennale de l'Image en Mouvement 1999
- Attack [retreat]: Jubal Brown, Carry Kim, Eddo Stern, Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby
- W5 : Animated Fears and Desires
At view in the media library