In his videos, installations, photos and performances Cel Crabeels toys with the notion of emptiness, as a meaningful environment, opening up to a multitude of interpretations. His spatial works often stimulate the audience towards interaction, linking various levels of reality to the physical experience of the environment. In this process circumstantial elements have an important role to play. In his videos, however, background elements are systematically filtered out, until nothing remains but a minimal testing area of space and movement. Above all, he is interested in peripheral events, marginal actions which he isolates in space, situating them in the eye of the focus. Images are reduced to their essence; nevertheless they are left open for different interpretations. Above all, his work embodies a reflection on the possibilities and variety of our perception, and at the same time it explores the potential of art as an influential factor.

- ° 1958 Antwerp (Belgium).
- information days catalogue
- Volte-Face: selected videos from the Argos collection
- Out of Balance - Videoarti Belgiidan (Tblisi Istoriis Muzeumi - Karvasla (GEORGIA))
- argos@atelier340
- Unfamiliarised familiarities [Nuit Blanche PARIS, Public and free-acces event. Dazibao Project, Université Pierre et Marie Curie]
- Ciclo Vídeo Belga
- Zona de mestizaje - Cine y Vídeo de Artistas Belgas
- Body Stroke - Body Walks
- Figures of the Body @ VideoZone 2006
- Cel Crabeels - In the line of work
- Figures of the body @ LAZNIA
- Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Arts 2005
- STEP UP! Belgian Dance and Performance on Camera 1970-2000 - Chapter 3
At view in the media library
WORKS- A riddle
- Bang! James Lee Byars re-enactment
- Chanson, lied, song
- Come in
- Curfuw bells
- Détachement
- Douglas Park's 'Reading Aloud'
- Edenloop
- Landing
- Leedstape
- Leven In Een Schilderij
- Lostandfound
- Mr. Park's Holiday
- Nearly Present, Just Past
- Outplacement 01 (Portret)
- Outplacement 02 (Travel)
- Preview
- Red Tape
- Red Tape - Orbis Terrarum
- Slave unit
- Somewhere over the rainbow
- Topologic