Van Waeyenberghe, Inneke
°1977 - Orange (France).Inneke van Waeyenberghe works and lives in Brussels (Belgium). She studied Audiovisual Arts at the Saint-Lukas Hogeschool (from 1995-1999) in Brussels. She works as a filmeditor and productioncöordinator (multimedia and audiovisual arts) and participated in several projects of Sarah Vanagt, Dora García, Eleni Kamma, a.o. ...
Vanhee, Sarah
°1980 - Oostende (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.Sarah Vanhee lives and works in Brussels. Her artistic practice is linked to performance, visual arts and literature, and unfolds in vairous environments. She creates temporary, porous, yet clearly defined spaces, in which she analyzes existing realities and confront those with an absurd, utopistic or poetic proposal ...
van Oldenborgh, Wendelien
°1962 - Rotterdam (The Netherlands).Wendelien van Oldenborgh (°1962, Rotterdam, Netherlands) is an artist based in Rotterdam, whose practice explores social relations through an investigation of gesture in the public sphere. She received her art education at Goldmiths' College, London during the eighties and lives in the Netherlands again since 2004 ...
Vogel, François
°1971 - Meudon (France).Francois Vogel was born and raised in Meudon, a Paris suburb. He began scientific studies while practicing drawing, painting and animation. After art studies, he travels to the pacific to do his military service as a drummer in New Caledonia ...
Verhoeven, Gert
°1964 - Leuven (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.Gert Verhoeven employs various media including drawings, sculptures, videos and installations. In an often ironic and surrealist way, his meta-communicative work investigates the way objects are classified and how their value is determined within various systems. ...
Van Damme, Philippe
°1965 - Brussels (Belgium).Philippe Van Damme’s main preoccupation seems to be the city, its construction and the notion of time reflected in it. In Rue de l’Avenir he zooms in on a hundred year old demolished street in Brussels. For Der Landmesser am Japanischen Palais he went to Dresden and discovered (what did you expect?) a completely different city ...
Vanderborght, Karen
°1973 - BelgiumKaren Vanderborght lives and works in Brussels. She completed her studies in audio-visual arts at the “Higher Institute for fine Arts, Sint Lucas”, Brussels in 1995. Vanderborght draws most of her inspiration out of the techniques and concepts of cinematography, electronic music, visual arts and fairy tales and revolves them in an anarchistic queer DIY attitude. ...
Vekemans, Emilien
Emilien Vekemans graduated as an actor at the Institut des Arts de Diffusion. Since then he has acted in the theatre and in films; he has participated in various young creations (web series, plays for a young public). Zoufs is the first film where he spent all his time behind the camera. ...
Voignier, Marie
°1974 - Ris-Orangis (France). Lives and works in Paris.Marie Voignier’s work is constantly seeking to explore the intertwinement of imaginary and factual elements in reality itself ...
Vloors, Bo
°1993 - Antwerp (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.Bo Vloors (1993, Antwerp), is currently living and working in Brussels. In 2016 she graduated from LUCA School of Arts as a visual artist within the photographic field. She was able to spend her final year at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna to obtain new knowledge and to refine her artistic practice. She is currently finishing her master in film at LUCA School of Arts ...
Vanagt, Sarah
°1976 - Bruges (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.Sarah Vanagt makes documentaries, video installations and photos, in which she combines her interest for history with her interest for (the origins of) cinema. Her graduation film AFTER YEARS OF WALKING (2003) looks at the rewriting of Rwandan history after the genocide of 1994 ...
Visser, Barbara
°1966 - Haarlem (The Netherlands).In the majority of projects, executed in photography, film, print, text or performance, Barbara Visser has been occupied with the uncertain relationship between registration and dramatization, plays with notions of original and copy, and questions the way history and memory are being shaped by both the individual and society ...
Van den Broeck, Hans
°1964 - Belgium. Lives and works in Brussels.Hans Van den Broeck serves as artistic director of performance group SOIT (Stay Only If Temporary) and is co-founder of Les Ballets C de la B. He has created and toured internationally with several pieces such as "Everyman", "Eat, Eat, Eat", "La Sortie" or "Lac des Singes" ...
van. Dienderen, An
°1971 - Brasschaat, Antwerp (Belgium). Lives and works in Ghent.An van. Dienderen (1971, Braaschaat, Belgium) is a filmmaker and obtained a PhD in Comparative Cultural Sciences. She made several (inter)nationally awarded films, published in (inter)national journals and directs a small non profit art production company (Elektrischer Schnellseher) ...
Van Imschoot, Myriam
°1969 - Ghent. Lives and works in Brussels.Myriam Van Imschoot is an artist active in performance, film, sound poetry and public space. The voice is one of the main vehicles for her work, which she pairs with an awareness of the politicized potential of listening, the ecology of sound, and the changing regimes of audibility in society ...
Van Snick, Philippe
°1946 - Ghent (Belgium).The work of Philippe Van Snick is characterized by extremely simple forms and by the constant use of the same colours in combination with geometric shapes. Van Snick considers a painting to be much more than just a painted surface. The forms, objects and colours he uses never stand wholly alone ...
Van Lancker, Laurent
°1969 - Brussel (Belgium).Laurent Van Lancker (1969, Brussels, Belgium) studied both Film and Anthropology, and holds a PhD in Art. He lectures at film schools (INSAS, IAD) and universities (FU Berlin). For Laurent Van Lancker, every project is a new experience, in which a dialogue between form and content, ethics and aesthetics, political and poetical realms is to be found. ...
Van Paesschen, Bram
°1979 - Vilvoorde (Belgium).Born in 1979, in Vilvoorde, Belgium. Graduated in 2002 from Sint-Lukas Brussels, specialized in film/video documentary. Lives and works in Brussels (except for when he’s elsewhere). Van Paesschen’s work is indebted to various traditions of documentary filmmaking, from ‘classic’ to fake documentary and essayistic formats ...
Vanrunxt, Marc
°1960"Marc Vanrunxt has been one of the key figures of the Antwerp dance scene since the beginning of the 1980s. He was taught by An Slootmaekers, but soon he began to develop a choreographic style of his own. He has worked as a dancer and choreographer with Jan Fabre, Catherine Massin, Truus Bronkhorst and the groups Fac’t and Nationaal Fonds ...
van Tongeren, Eva
°1990 - Amersfoort (The Netherlands)Eva van Tongeren graduated in 2015 at LUCA School of Arts, Brussels. With her film There are no Whales in France (2015, 20’) she won the Wildcard Filmlab of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund. This award allowed her to make her second film Still from afar (2018, 18') ...
Van Kerckhoven, Anne-Mie
°1951 - Antwerpen (Belgium). Lives and works in Antwerp.Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven aka AMVK studied graphic design at the Fine Arts Academy of Antwerp. A straightforward feminist tone pervades in all her works, in which the erotic meets machine-fetishism. She explores the relation between art, science, politics and social issues. ...
Vermeir, Katleen
°1973 - Bornem (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.The work of Vermeir revolves around the invisible topographical traces of a city, as well as a series of ‘tableaux vivants’, video paintings identifying universal aspects of human attitudes and architectural models. The collaborative work with her partner Rony Heiremans examines the dynamic relation between art, architecture and economy, and its mediation in private and public spheres. ...
Van den Abeele, Michael
°1974 - Brussels (Belgium).There is hardly any stylistic continuity or mannerism in the diverse parallel activities of Michael Van den Abeele (°1974), going from post-surrealist drawing over animation-video to commodity objects and song-performances. But instead of being separated out from one another, they should be seen as embracing or instigating each other in an almost hysterical way ...
Volckaert, Didier
°1971 - Belgium. Lives and works in Ghent.Didier Volckaert obtained a Master Degree in Visual Arts and Experimental Cinema at the St Lukas School of Art in Brussels, and is a PhD. Researcher at RITS / University of Brussels. He mainly made documentaries, largely inspired, both with regards to form and content, by experimental films and pre-cinema. He is also a curator, teacher and visual artist. ...
Vermeire, Katrien
°1979 - Ostende (Belgium).Katrien Vermeire (1979, Belgium) studied photography at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent and Art History (BA) at Ghent University. The winner of the 4th annual Fine Arts Award of the Province of West-Flanders (BE) in 2002, she has been working as an independent artist since, developing a distinctive style that is not only highly poetic but also very varied and layered ...
Vermeulen, Angelo
°1971 - Sint-Niklaas (Belgium).Angelo Vermeulen is a visual artist, filmmaker, biologist, author, and activist. His research in ecology, environmental pollution and teratology informs his art, which includes bio installations, experimental setups incorporating living organisms and science fiction references. His projects include ‘Blue Shift’, a Darwinian art project in collaboration with evolutionary biologist Prof ...
Vicente, Laurent
°1973 - Cannes (France).Laurent Vicente studied graphic and web design in Toulouse, France. In 1998, while working for different computer engineering companies, he co-founded the collective video studio D-Tracks, which created several television programs and experimental documentary films. His work is featured in the collection of the Maison de la Photographie, in Paris ...
Van der Avoort, Boris
°1967 - BelgiumBoris Van der Avoort was born in Belgium in 1967. He studied photography at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de la Cambre (1992) and at I.N.S.A.S (the Institut National des Arts du Spectacle), graduating in film editing in 1995. He has been showing his photographic work at individual and group exhibitions in Belgium and abroad since 1990 ...
Van den Boom, Raoul
°1937 - Antwerp (Belgium).Vandeweerd, Pierre-Yves
°1969 - Rocourt (Belgium).Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd was trained as an anthropologist and journalist specializing in African civilizations. His work is deeply rooted in the tradition of Cinema réel. Most of it has been filmed in Africa, especially in Mauritania and the Sudan, countries throughout which he undertook long travels, accumulating footage of political conflict and the human suffering caused by it. ...
Vergara, Angel
°1958 - Mieres (Spain). Lives and works in Brussels.Angel Vergara grew up in Brussels. His body of work contains a wide range of media and disciplines, including performances, drawings, paintings, videos and installations, and a bar. Audiovisual material plays an important role in the majority of Vergara’s exhibitions, as well as making up a substantial part of his work ...
Vanhoe, Reinaart
°1972 - Kortrijk (Belgium). Lives and works in Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Jakarta (Indonesia).Van der Auwera, Emmanuel
°1982 - Brussels (Belgium).Emmanuel Van der Auwera (b. 1982, Belgium) lives and works in Brussels, Belgium ...
Villevoye, Roy
°1960 - Maastricht (The Netherlands). Lives and works in Amsterdam.In his work Roy Villevoye explores issues around anthropological representation, the conventions of documentary filmmaking and the legacy of colonialism. Even though his videos, often realized in collaboration with Jan Dietvorst, are frequently considered documentaries, he distances himself explicitly from the genre, by freeing himself from a number of characteristic conventions. ...
van Dam, George
°1964 - Windhoek, Khomas (Namibia).The Namibian-born violinist George Alexander van Dam has been a committed performer of contemporary music since the early stages of his career ...
Van Herck, Frank
°1953Vromman, Jan
°1958 - Wingene (Belgium).The media used by the socially-focused artist Jan Vromman includes both video documentaries as well as text, theatre, fiction films and, more recently, multimedia projects. The choices of Vromman are not defined by the primary amazement of all that is exotic, but by his own experience and the things he is familiar with. ...
Van Es, Hubert
°1937 - Antwerp (Belgium).Hubert Van Es is the pseudonym for Flor Bex. Under this name, the former director of the Antwerp ICC and founder of the M HKA, the museum for contemporary Art in Antwerp, created several videoworks in the 1970', among which "Experiments for auto-communication", which is part of the Argoscollection. Bex was director of the Muhka until 2002. ...
Vostell, Wolf
°1932 - Leverkusen (Germany).Wolf Vostell was a German painter and sculptor of the second half of the 20th century. Wolf Vostell is considered one of the early adopters of Video art, Environment, Installation, Happening and the Fluxus Movement. Techniques such as blurring and the Dé-collage are characteristic of his work, as is embedding objects in concrete. ...
Verstockt, Mark
°1930 - Lokeren (Belgium).After a short stay at the University of Ghent, Mark Verstockt started his studies at the Antwerp Arts Academy around 1950. In his collaborations with Dan Van Severen he develops a style of lyrical abstraction, following the examples of Parisian painters such as Hans Hartung and Georges Mathieu. Verstockt worked mainly in Antwerp, but his success does not end at the borders of Belgium ...