Wendelien van Oldenborgh (°1962, Rotterdam, Netherlands) is an artist based in Rotterdam, whose practice explores social relations through an investigation of gesture in the public sphere. She received her art education at Goldmiths' College, London during the eighties and lives in the Netherlands again since 2004. Van Oldenborgh develops works, whereby the cinematic format is used as a methodology for production and as the basic language for various forms of presentation. She often uses the format of a public film shoot, collaborating with participants in different scenarios, to co-produce a script and orientate the work towards its final outcome. With these works, which look at the structures that form and hinder us, she participated in various large biennials, and in smaller dedicated shows. Recent presentation include Après la reprise, la prise in 'Art Turning Left', Tate Liverpool (2013); Cinema Bete & Deise in 'Dear Art' by What How and for Whom, Calvert 22, London (2013); La Javanaise (2012) in Berlinale Forum Expanded 2013, in 'Holandaise', RAW Material, Dakar (SN) and in the Biennial of Cuenca (EC) 2014; Supposing I love you. And you also love me (2011) in 'Speech Matters', Danish Pavilion, Venice Biennial 2011 and in 'Untimely Stories', Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz (PL) 2012.
Van Oldenborgh has exhibited widely and participated in the Venice Biennial 2011, the 4rth Moscow Biennial 2011, the 29e Bienal de Sao Paulo 2010 and at the 11th Istanbul Biennial 2009.
She received the Hendrik Chabot Prize from Prince Bernard Cultuur Fonds in 2011, was recently awarded the prestigious Heineken Prize for the Arts 2014 from the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW), and is currently resident at the DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogram.

- ° 1962 Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
At view in the media library