Vermeir her work revolves around the invisible topographical traces of a city, as well as a series of ‘tableaux vivants’, video paintings identifying universal aspects of human attitudes and architectural models. The collaborative work with her partner Rony Heiremans examines the dynamic relation between art, architecture and economy, and its mediation in private and public spheres. Her work has been shown, among others, at the Brakke Grond (Amsterdam), Paleis voor Schone Kunsten (Brussels), PS1 (New York) and STUK (Louvain).
Vermeir and Heiremans in 2006 initiated A.I.R, a project that redefines their private habitat as a public space. A.I.R is presented as an ongoing series of mediated extensions, allowing audiences to experience this private/public environment through translations to magazines, television, radio, websites, lectures, renderings, exhibitions…
Vermeir and Heiremans favor a communal mode of production, so over the years A.I.R has evolved into a platform for different collaborations with people from various backgrounds and occupations. The results of these extensive research-based projects were presented on ART Brussels (2006), Genève (2007), Istanbul Biennial (2007), and most recently in Arnolfini, Bristol (2009) and Casino Luxembourg (2009). Their work has been screened in Franfurter Kunstverein, Kassel Documentary Film festival, Radcliffe Institute Boston, Flux/S Eindhoven and others.

- ° 1973 Bornem (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.
- Argos Media Library
- Videoex 2011: Guestcity Brussels
- Vermeir & Heiremans - The Residence (a wager for the afterlife)
- Erfgoeddag 2012: Helden uit de schaduw/ Heritage Day 2012: Heroes
- New Stories for Brussels. Strategies for a Dissident Reading of the City. On the image of the Belgian capital in recent video art.
- Video Library
- Open archives, Active archives? - #1: Digital properties. An evening with Ronny Heiremans & Katleen Vermeir. Discussions, screenings and presentations
- Piercing the Market Bubble – Positions against Hypercapitalism
- Sven Sterken: New Stories for Brussels. Strategies for a dissident Imagination of the City
At view in the media library