Vanhoe, Reinaart

°1972 - Kortrijk (Belgium). Lives and works in Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Jakarta (Indonesia).

Cattelain, Claude

°1972 - Kinshasa (Congo).
Claude Cattelain (1972, Kinshasa, Congo) lives and works in Brussels, Belgium and Valenciennes, France. He experiments in various disciplines - painting, sculpture and video art - aiming at notions of instability, fragility and escapism. ...

Vanagt, Sarah

°1976 - Bruges (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.
Sarah Vanagt makes documentaries, video installations and photos, in which she combines her interest for history with her interest for (the origins of) cinema. Her graduation film AFTER YEARS OF WALKING (2003) looks at the rewriting of Rwandan history after the genocide of 1994 ...

Wieland, Gernot

°1968 - Horn (Austria). Lives and works in Berlin.
The Austrian artist Gernot Wieland works with research, memory and narration. His films bring together historical reports with personal recollections and scientific facts, fictional and real elements and develop a sense of the uncanny, mostly in ironic and absurd forms. The works are characterized by a gripping, tragicomic and poetic sobriety and follow associative narrative structures. ...

Reinke, Steve

°1963 - Ontario (Canada). Lives and works in Chicago.
In his darkly witty works, the artist, writer and professor Steve Reinke appropriates everything he sees and creates multiple fictions, making his improbable scenarios and appalling fantasies sound completely reasonable. He lures us into complicity, then take us one step beyond, into a region we cannot occupy comfortably ...
Disorient, Laurent Van Lancker, 2010 © the artist & producer

Aigner, Florence

°1975 - Luxembourg. Lives and works in Brussels.
With an academic background in Refugee Studies, Aigners artistic practice focuses on issues related to memory, belonging and the material culture of people in exile. Through participatory processes, she is creating situations from which narratives and images can emerge. As a filmmaker she collaborated with Laurent Van Lancker on 'Surya' and 'disorient'. ...

Gwinner, Florian

°1977 - Germany. Lives and works in Berlin.
Florian Gwinner studied Architecture and Visual Communication at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar (Germany), and Art and Design at the Nagoya Zokei University in Japan. In his work, Gwinner constructs a model of a world from the viewpoint that reality and its model are one. ...

Kastner, Katharina

°1979 - Graz
Katharina Kastner is an Austrian filmmaker working in Brussels and Vienna. Her experimental short film about a museum of contemporary art in Brussels, VILLA EMPAIN, builds upon concepts of psychogeography and draws a mental map of a space as it goes through time. ...

Volckaert, Didier

°1971 - Belgium. Lives and works in Ghent.
Didier Volckaert obtained a Master Degree in Visual Arts and Experimental Cinema at the St Lukas School of Art in Brussels, and is a PhD. Researcher at RITS / University of Brussels. He mainly made documentaries, largely inspired, both with regards to form and content, by experimental films and pre-cinema. He is also a curator, teacher and visual artist. ...

Benari, Yasmina

°1979 - Paris (France).
Yasmina Benari's work is focused on memories, both individual and collective, as well as identity, migration, and the notion of political uprising. While her main focus is documentary, her creative space is located on the border between reality and imagination. She treats photographic and animated images as a volume she sculpts, disturbs, and mixes to shape into various forms ...

D'Haeseleer, Kurt

°1974 - Lives and works in Brussels (Belgium).
The recent work of video artist Kurt D’Haeseleer examines the impact of public space on our everyday reality. In a strategy of ’hidden complexity’, his images reveal his concern with social and architectural themes. Kurt D’Haeseleer studied modern history in Leuven and Vienna, and cinema, video and television in Brussels ...

Mulot, Florent

Florent Mulot studied photography and video at the Beaux-Arts of Angoulême and Marseille. After working for the Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain Centre, he collaborated with the architect Jose Morales on documentary films about architecture, and worked on the film Grand Littoral, by Valérie Jouve. His personal photographic work concerns contemporary architecture ...

Lambrechts, Franciska

°1967 - Ninove (Belgium).
Franciska Lambrechts (1967, Ninove, Belgium) lives and works in Brussels. She studied Video and Film at Sint-Lucas, Brussels. Lambrechts makes films and videos, but she also makes installations in which she combines moving images with other, more ‘handcrafted’ art forms such as drawing, painting and sculpture. This interdisciplinary way of working often has a sour, provocative side. ...

Bonnemaison, Michel

°1923 - Paris (France).
Michel Bonnemaison referred to himself as a ‘professional European’. His work touched on such diverse subjects as cinema, media rhetoric, overland and sea trade and transport, travel overseas and, at a later stage, he was increasingly interested in theology. ...

Vekemans, Emilien

Emilien Vekemans graduated as an actor at the Institut des Arts de Diffusion. Since then he has acted in the theatre and in films; he has participated in various young creations (web series, plays for a young public). Zoufs is the first film where he spent all his time behind the camera. ...

Van der Avoort, Boris

°1967 - Belgium
Boris Van der Avoort was born in Belgium in 1967. He studied photography at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de la Cambre (1992) and at I.N.S.A.S (the Institut National des Arts du Spectacle), graduating in film editing in 1995. He has been showing his photographic work at individual and group exhibitions in Belgium and abroad since 1990 ...

Clark, Luke Aaron

Luke Aaron Clark is a composer and sound artist. His work explores the relationship between architecture and sound, our natural environment and everyday human interaction within these settings. These works are reliant on the combination of research, exploration and collaboration and expressed through live performance, sound design, public intervention, architectural installation and film ...