Pfleiderer, Julie

°1979 - Dusseldorf (Germany). Lives and works in Berlin and Brussels
In her work Julie explores the border of documentary and fiction. She is interested in the shift where fiction becomes truth and truth starts to be fictional. Julie enjoys collaborative processes where different media and approaches are put in dialogue to create friction out of permanent differentiation ...

Pacquée, Ria

°1954 - Antwerpen (Belgium).
Since the seventies, Ria Pacquée has recorded her presence in this world, or rather disguised herself as a specific persona. These personifications, including ‘Madame’ or ‘It’, were ‘played out' in photographs at first, but for some years now she has been recording characters on video as well, displaying a slightly adapted version of her ‘true’ self ...

Peeters, Sam

°1986 - Leuven (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.
Sam Peeters is a Belgian and British national. He studied medicine for three years before turning to film, his true passion. In 2017, he graduated as a director from the Royal Institute of Theatre, Film and Sound (RITCS) in Brussels, Belgium ...

Pauwels, Eric

°1953 - Antwerp (Belgium). Lives and works in Brussels.
Filmmaker, writer and film lecturer Eric Pauwels started his career with what he calls ‘cinéma mémoire’, or ethnographic documentary. He obtained his PHD in cinematography in Paris with a documentary on the ‘possessed’ in Indonesia. Afterwards, eager to step out of his role of being a spectator, Pauwels begins to make dance videos and works of fiction ...

Peres dos Santos, Miguel

°1976 - Lisbon (Portugal). Lives and works in The Hague.
Miguel Peres Dos Santos (°1976, Lisbon, Portugal) is an artist who works in a variety of media. By emphasising aesthetics, he reflects on the closely related subjects of archive and memory. This often results in an examination of both the human need for ‘conclusive’ stories and the question whether anecdotes ‘fictionalise’ history. ...

Provost, Nicolas

°1969 - Ronse (Belgium). Lives and works in Antwerp.
Nicolas Provost’s oeuvre, shown with notable success at international film festivals in recent years, has been described as a working-off of the filmic codes of narrative cinema ...

Persijn, Jurgen

°1966 - Waregem (Belgium)
During a short period of three years, immediately after graduating from Sint-Lukas University College of Art and Design, Jurgen Persijn (°1966, Waregem) directed three commissioned videotapes in collaboration with Ana Torfs, amongst which, Akarova &. Baugniet/L’entre-deux-guerres (1991) and Mozartmaterial (1993) ...

Paesmans, Dirk

°1965 - Brussels (Belgium).
Dirk Paesmans studied plastic arts together with Koen Theys at St. Lukas in Brussels, and sculpting at the Academy in Ghent. In 1981, only just about getting on twenty, they began to make videos together under the name of V-side. Their first work Radar (1981) was, as they put it, "a flood of images we caught on our sensory radar" ...