Thirty-one encounters, thirty-one nights: a personal diary that maps the discovery of a different Palestine - intimate, self-reflexive and full of hidden poetry.

A personal diary that maps the discovery of a different Palestine – intimate, self-reflexive and full of hidden poetry. In a set of narrative portraits the narrator (the artist himself) focusses on his encounters with Palestinian citizens he has come to know. The film is structured in 31 episodes, each of them representing one night in which the artist encountered a person or an event. ’Thirty one nights, my Palestinian encounters’ is not only a patchwork of personal histories, but also an autobiographical and artistic travelling document. The stories are combined with nightly film shots – realist or abstract – that represent the experiences of the artist himself.

Thirty one nights, my Palestinian encounters , Laurent Van Lancker, 2003 © the artist & producerThirty one nights, my Palestinian encounters , Laurent Van Lancker, 2003 © the artist & producerThirty one nights, my Palestinian encounters , Laurent Van Lancker, 2003 © the artist & producerThirty one nights, my Palestinian encounters , Laurent Van Lancker, 2003 © the artist & producerThirty one nights, my Palestinian encounters , Laurent Van Lancker, 2003 © the artist & producer