The BlackThursday series, linked to the video programmes screened in the BlackBox, are an opportunity for the artists and/or curators to expound, during a Thursday evening, a personal programme related to their exhibition.
Meeting with Andrea Cinel, curator and programme coordinator at ARGOS, Centre for Art and Media, Brussels.
Argos is the leading national institute for art film and video. It functions as an art centre with a fully fledged collection programme. Argos is the most complete art centre devoted to film and video. Argos’s expertise with regard to the conservation, restoration, production and presentation of art films and videos is widely recognized.
Andrea Cinel presents Argos, its history, missions and activities; complemented by short video films from the collection.
Gerelateerde evenementen

do 19.1.2017
19:00 - 20:30 -
Praktische info
Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame,
L-2240 Luxembourg
T (+352) 22 50 45