At the occasion of the European summit of Laken (14-15 December 2001) argos pays attention to the anti-capitalist/global democratic movement and to various forms of political self organisation. Six days of exhibitions, screenings, philosophical and political discussions,… An event dedicated to those who usually where neglected by politics and ended up abandoning politics.


About the anticapitalist carnival

a document/installation by Charley Case
08.12.2001 - 15.12.2001 14:00 - 19:00

2 super 8 films are projected opposite each other Images are facing each other and converse
festivals/manifestations/rave parties
2 views on the new revolution:
- the party (tool of the new revolution)
- the violence
In the middle: the viewer. Each film is autonomous
Betacam SP, filmed in super 8 & DV, colour & b/w, 2 x 30’40", 2001, Belgium

De stomme van Portici presents: The Golden Calf
continuous screenings - 12.12.2001 - 15.12.2001 14:00 - 19:00

In the squatted Leopold-station in front of the European Parliament artists made a statement about money and art production. At the end of the happening there was the destruction by firework of ’The Golden Calf’. The complete party (music, food, drinks, public, ornamentation of the calf with golden sheets and statements) was filmed. The video version of this ceremony is on show at argos. A wild reflection of the artist on Money-world!
De stomme van Portici (Belgium, Collective of artists reflecting on art production and its dependency on economical powers - founders: Willy Malisse, Luc Nys, Jan Vromman)
Betacam SP, originally shot in DV, colour, 20’, 2001, Belgium

Patchwork of offensive resistances
Exhibition - 11.12.2001 - 15.12.2001 opening 11.12.2001 17:00 - 21:00

posters from Collective Distribution:
Cactus Network (London)
El Fantasma de Heridia - design Group (Buenos Aires)
Ne pas plier / Gerard Paris-Clavel (Ivry sur Seine)
Sandy.K. / Bildwechsel (Berlin)
Tract’eur (Paris)
Collective Eimigrative Art (Brussels
Headmade (Warshau)
Nexus / Maria Papamavrou (Athens)
Skart Group (Belgrade)
We are everywhere collective (London - Seattle - Oxford)
Guilty (London)

Video Marathon < Patchwork of offensive resistances>
film and video projections 11.12.2001 14:00 - 00:00

Do You Remember Revolution, Loredana Bianconi

14:00 As long as Shipbuilders are Singing [Part II), Jan Vromman, English spoken & subtitled, b/w, 00:01:15, 1999,Belgium
15:15 Walking in the place - B-92 Yugoslavia, 4 months of the civil rebellion on the street, colour, 01:00:00, 1996-1997, Yugoslavia
16:15 AK-KRAAK, Aktuel Kamera Krakk (Squat) - activist video magazine, colour, 01:00:00, Berlin since 1990, Germany
18:00 Do You Remember Revolution, Loredana Bianconi, Italian spoken/English subtitled, b/w, 01:56:00, 1997, Italy
20:00 Ouvrières du monde, Marie-France Collard, English subtitled, colour, 01:24:00, 2000, Belgium
21:20 PRAHA 2000 Rebel Colour, Indymedia, activist collective, English spoken, colour, 01:00:00, 2000, different countries
22:20 Friday, June 18, 1999, city of London, Charley Case, non spoken, b/w, 00:08:12, 1999, Belgium

THEORETICAL PLATFORM / POLITICAL DEBATE all you ever wanted to know about anti-capitalism but were too afraid to ask
12.12.2001 - 14:00 until 18:30 & 20:15 until 22:30

14:00 ’All You Ever Wanted To Know About Global Capitalism (But They Were Afraid You’d find out): Popular Education and Resistance, 1994 - 2001 (Paris - London - Prague - Quebec - Genoa)’, Brian Holmes (Paris, art critic, translator, theoretician of anti-capitalism. Among his recent publications: ’On Transnational Civil Society’ in: ’ReadMe, filtered by nettime’, [Autonomedia]; series of interviews with Brian Holmes [Arkzin - Zagreb]
14:20 ’Les rêves globales - Les politiques locales. Expérience d’une politique altérnative’, Roberto D’Orazzio (Belgium, ex-worker of Clabecq, representer of the movement of the 13 workers involved in the Clabecq/Renault Vilvoorde trial)
14:40 [lecture to be announced], Alain Badiou (Paris, head of the department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, professor of philosophy at the University of Paris 8 [Saint -Denis], philosopher, author of ’Le Siècle’ (to be published), ’Abrège de métapolitique’ [Seuil] and ’Peut-on penser la politique’ [Seuil]
15:15 ’Political Conflict as an Endemic Disease, Some Lessons from the Yugoslav disaster’, Boris Buden (Vienna/Zagreb, School for theoretical politics Vienna, philosopher, theoretician in psychoanalysis, translator, last work ’Barricades (1&2)’ [Arkzin - Zagreb])
15:35 ’Petite contre légende française’, à propos de Rospop (Rassemblement des collectifs des ouvriers sans papiers et de l’organisation politique), Natacha Michel (Paris, philosopher and writer, author of ’L’éducation de la poussière’, [Seuil], last work ’Autobiographie’ [Verdier])
16:05 ’Les gens pensent: condition d’une politique possible’, Sylvain Lazarus (Paris, professor of anthropology at Paris 8, University of Vincennes / Saint-Denis, last work ’Anthropologie du nom’ [Seuil])
16:30 break
16:45 ’Pour qu’au signes de la misère ne vient pas s’ajouter la misère des signes’, APEIS / Ne Pas Plier (France, APEIS - Association for the employment, the information and the solidarity with the unemployed and the precarious / Ne Pas Plier - Ivry-sur-Seine, association that deals with the visual expression of political struggle and human needs)
17:10 ’Les alternatives poético-politiques: des Zapatistes au Porto Allegre’, Martin Van der Belen (Brussels, member of the collective Chiapas Bruselas)
17:30 ’Brussels: Lobbying Capital of Europe’, Erik Wesselius, Corporate European Observatory (CEO is a research and campaign group targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and the environment posed by the economic and political power of corporations and their lobby groups)
17:50 ’L’inégalité - Le monde après le 11 septembre’, Pierre Giraud (Paris, economist, professor of economics at l’Ecole de Mines-Paris, author of ’L’inégalité du monde’ [Gallimard], ’Le commerce des promesses’ (petit traité sur la finance moderne)’ [Seuil])
18:30 break
20:15 ’La guerre’, performance by Daniel Hélin (Louvain-La-Neuve, poet, singer and songwriter (prix de la Francophonie 2000), last CD ’La Limace’ [to be published])
20:30 ’Border camps / Noborder Network’, Hagen Kopp (Hanau, Kein Mensch ist Illegal, network that organises practical resistance against restrictive harmonisation of asylum and immigration policy in Europe)
20:50 ’La capsule et le réseau. Thèses sur le capitalisme exclusif.’, Lieven De Cauter (Brussels, philosopher, art historian, teaches at the Willem De Kooningacademie in Rotterdam, the dance school P.A.R.T.S. and the school for film, media and theatre RITS in Brussels)
21:10 ’Conflicts, multitudes and the new forms of political participation: the disobedience challenge and the italian movements against neo-liberalism’, Eva, Disobedience Network (Italy, Italian national network born during the Genoa protests, at Carlini Stadium, including: Tute Bianche, Ya Basta, Giovani Comunisti, No Global Network, r.a.g.eS) -
21:30 phone conversation with Toni Negri (Rome, philosopher, co-author of ’Empire’ [Harvard University Press]

Special guest: Marco, Collective Eurodusnie - The ’pro’s & con’s of summit hopping’

Co-ordination on responsibility of the Eimigrative Art Collective

desire of new politics