"Ham Radio, the Space Age hobby where the world is your friend."

Tune In follows the intriguing world of amateur radio operators, better known as Radio HAMS. Although amateur by definition, Radio HAMS are unique enthusiasts involved in a pastime that requires a rigorous licensing exam taking months of study. The project deals with the politics of space and social communication, blending documentary with lyrical imagery and audio. Focusing on amateur radio activity throughout the UK, we enter a world of hobbyists whose fascination and curiosity has been crucial in the advancement of modern communications technology, critical in emergency situations and international disasters. From enthusiasts in their radio shacks, to the creation of cutting-edge satellite technology, amateur radio operators all share the will to reduce extreme distances and communicate through complex means with a vast spectrum of other operators, from those in remote communities in Mali to astronauts in space.

Commissioned by Film London Artists' Moving Image Award (LAFVA). Funded by Arts Council England with the support of Film London.