The three-channel installation Həʊms superposes similar soundtracks on different footages. The sound fluctuates between recognizable familial noises and unintelligible conversations, scraps of composition and soundscape. Three portable projectors allow the public to make their own cinematic screening and to treat the projected images as a tangible material, another physical element such as the brick walls, concrete beams and columns, screens, pedestals or the architecture of the exhibition space that can be used as screen surfaces for this Həʊms. These Super8 films are very diverse: one of them seems to come from the 70ies and is a corroded, almost psychedelic film in which few sequences depicting a middle-class home and its environments suddenly appear. On another film, we are inside the occupied church of Saint John the Baptist at the Béguinage in Brussels where, fleeing their homeland, Afghan asylum seekers found refuge from September 2013, their tents being installed in one of the side corridors of the church. Of the more than 400 refugees present during the period, only few remained in April 2014, before their ejection. The third film of the installation is about people of which life goes along with the lines of their hands or maybe the revolution of the sun, people who have their heart within their community, people who have their home nowhere and everywhere.