In Barefoot Birthdays on Unbreakable Glass, three women – Constance, Azam, Anna – each spend a day with the filmmaker in their homes. With a succession of dynamic short takes, close ups of actions and rituals, objects and trinkets, bookshelves and photographs, the filmmaker is revealed in her proximity to each of them who confide in her stories of art creation, immigration, and familial bonds and breaks.
As the protagonists find distance from their families, both over time and space, they reflect on their own mother-daughter relationship: relationships cut short, relationships evolving, relationships to treasure. Each woman recalls a gift their mother gave them – a gesture of reconciliation, a keepsake to wear on the skin, a word of advice to hold onto.
Following insights of independent experiences of love and loss, they unite in one space to pose and play for the filmmaker, to commemorate a new chapter of life, and to celebrate friendship.
- Jaar 2024
- Duur 00:17:00
- Taalinfo
Ondertitels: Dutch/ Flemish, French
Gesproken: English UK