For the second edition of Espace Ladda’s four-fold project, Argos Centre for Art and Media selected contemporary video artworks on the topic of ‘gathering’. People get together for different reasons and for many occasions, ranging from intimate, family-related celebrations, to social events or religious rituals, to official, formal gatherings. Artists can be interested in processes linked to the forming of groups and crowds, the dynamics that hold them together, and the relationship between the individual and the masses. There is, of course, an inherent political dimension to the constitution of a crowd or, in a more negative sense, a “pack” (Elias Canetti) and its willingness to obey leaders. History provides plenty of evidence of the impact of mass-movements on society and the state system. Today, crowds of people gathering together – especially in public space – can lead to anything from revolutions to rave parties.
works shown:
works shown:
Vincent Meessen: The Invisible’s Parliament; 2006, 4’ 11”, colour, sound.
Vincent Meessen: A broken rule; 2007, 2’ 06”, colour, sound.
Charley Case: Friday, June 18, 1999, City of
Steve Reinke: Final Thoughts – Series One: The Mendi; 2006, 9’ 18”, English spoken.
Steve Reinke: The Hundred Videos #55: Symposium; 1997, 1’ 24”, English spoken.
Steve Reinke: The Hundred Videos # 87: Children’s Video Collective; 1997, 3’ 20”, English spoken.
Nicolas Provost: The Diver, 2007; 5’, colour, sound.
Sven Augustijnen: Le guide du Parc, 2001; 44’, French spoken, English subtitles.

Thu 08.1.2009
- Sun 08.2.2009
Practical info
Location: Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 21, Ghent
Opening hours:
Entrance Fee: free - Artists
- Works