Never before did so many people seem to be away from home, out of necessity or of own free will. Behind each course lies a unique story. During Un|settled artists pay attention to small and large stories that are hidden behind every trip.
Un|settled consists of an exhibition, a concert series, performances, artistic interventions in the public space, literary conversations and debate.
Small stories with a big impact: Un|settled winds its way through your head.
° 1 July to the end of the year 11 November, Atlantikwall & Raversyde Natural Park
In collaboration with Argos and Raversyde
In the oppressive bunkers and corridors of the Atlantikwall, works of art, films and in situ installations stimulate your imagination. Un|settled EXPO brings together artists who have an affinity with displacement. They present new creations - commissioned by the exhibition - and existing work. About the powerful role that imagination plays in our memories. About homesickness, being on the road and arriving without being at home.
Artists: Mekhitar Garabedian, Herman Van Ingelgem, Laurent Van Lancker, Onbetaalbaar, Aïlien Reyns, Jelena Juresa, Nikhil Chopra, Hiwa K, Jan Locus, Ief Spincemaille, Filip Berte, Michelle Adriaense, Lotte Stoops, Meggy Rustamova, Niko Hafkenscheid, Valentina Stepanova, Claire Fontaine, Effi & Amir.
— Un|settled aan zee
° 30 June t.e.m. 31 August, KAAP | Free State O.
Summer fair open from Thursday to Monday from 4 p.m.
Against the background of carefree summer days, KAAP | Vrijstaat O. opens its doors for a programme around displacement. Papers and coffee, installations, stories and free concerts.
— Un|settled in public space
° 5, 6 and 7 October, Station surroundings Bruges
A three day trip in the Bruges station environment. (Inter)national artists set to work in this 'transit zone'.
Stop by visual installations, theatrical interventions, performances and surprising actions. Or listen in a chapel to (inter)national writers, who speak and debate about migration.
The beating heart is the Agora. At this meeting place, artists, experts and activists will examine how to be uprooted, mis- and disconnected.
Listen, loosen your legs or drink a coffee.

Sat 30.6.2018
- Sun 11.11.2018
- Practical info
- Artists
- Works