In the frame of the Brussels Museums Night, Argos presents a series of events and initiatives to explore & discover our current exhibitions!
Free guided tours in French at 18:30, in Dutch at 19:30 and English at 20:30!
Reservations are mandatory for groups of more than 10 people: please, phone us at +32 2 229 00 03.
Furthermore, do not miss the screenings in our blackbox with works by the Austrian artist Lukas Marxt (1983).
In his work, Marxt is always searching for relics of human impact upon nature. In the early stages of his projects, he tries to find places that are hard for mankind to settle, and then observe them from a perspective of “deep time”. In works such Reign of Silence (2013) and Circular Inscription (2016), the artist records a human intervention in nature and his practice makes clear his conceptual reference to the Land Art. Then Captive Horizon (2015) operates on a delicate line between reality and illusion like Black Rain White Scars (2014) in which Marxt shows Hong Kong, and the moment is when electricity, wind, atmospheric pressure, and plasma are playing against each other. Finally, his recent Cape Ground (2016) tells us about the Anthropocene and the Bosporus, a connecting piece of inner Eurasian border.
Programme screened in loop:
Reign of Silence. 2013, video, 7', colour, sound.
Black Rain White Scars. 2014, video, 8', colour, sound.
Captive Horizon. 2015, video, 14'38”, colour, sound.
Circular Inscription. 2016, video, 6'50”, colour, sound.
Cape Ground. 2016, video, 26'27”, colour, sound.
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Thu 01.12.2016
17:00 - 22:00 -
Practical info
Werfstraat 13 rue du Chantier
1000 Brussels
+32 2 229 00 03Entrance Tickets:
3 € Individual visitor
1,5 € Students (-60)Guided tours:
18:30 // French
19:30 // Dutch
20:30 // English
Groups of more than 10 people need to book their visits by phoning at +32 2 229 00 03. - Artists
- Works