‘L’argent raconté aux enfants et à leurs parents’ (Money told to children and their parents) scrutinizes the metallic gauntness of a room with modesty and humour and tells - by bits - the story of a working family incapable of combining needs and desires. From father to son. The son is worried (the son is the film’s author), as he too will be a father soon. It is therefore an insiders’ story, told to the monetarists, the philosophers, and a Central Bank governor. Told too, to a province utopian - Professor Giacinto Auriti – who is the author of a jubilatory project of popular property of currency, and who has invented an alternative currency, which has been in use for a few months in a medium-sized town in Central Italy (Guariagrele). From head to tails, money told to children and to their parents is an x-ray of the monetary economy concepts and various moods, with the secret aim of conjuring debts through the cathartic effects of speech or utopia. Morality: Debt is the cost of the social link.