This work consists of four video streams in which Kroot Juurak, wearing a white coat and seated in various positions, recites lists in a monotonous, almost robotic voice, reminding of a mantra. Devoid of any facial or vocal expression, her voice denies the phrases individual identities but treats them all alike. Subtle differences in camera angle, posture and vocal pitch differentiate the four segments which make up this piece. Intersecting with his examination of Biosphere 2 as a “list greater than the sum of its parts”, Mayer’s exploration of the potential of the list form is startling. As the monotonous voice blends the philosophical with the banal, links begin to form between the different genres used, and the relative values and significances of the diverse objects and concepts referenced is called into doubt. There is no analysis or interpretation, no continuation of the learning process, but simply a list of seemingly disparate items which blur together. The constant ’I’ and undefined ’you’ lose coherence and distinction, occupying the space between the real and the fictionalised; the space between meaning and meaninglessness; and between the artist, the performer, and the performance itself.
- Year 2008
- Languageinfo
Spoken: English UK