KINGELEZ: Kinshasa, a city rethought… Kingelez (1948) is an unclassified Congolese artist. The setting of his artistic development is Kinshasa, a chaotic and obsolete metropolis. Kingelez gained international recognition with his large scale-models, which are all utopian cities in their own respect. The cities are visions of an ideal Kinshasa, or even cities that do not exist yet, full of colourful and strangely shaped buildings – and mainly skyscrapers – their shape fit to their purpose. Because of the exuberant design and the use of plastic, as well as food wrappings and labels, the models are similar to the sets for any science-fiction film from the 50s. Dumon portrays Kingelez as a driven and serious artist propagating a highly personal vision on the modern city, almost out of proper necessity.

  • Year 2003
  • Duration 00:29:40
  • Languageinfo
    Subtitles: Dutch/ Flemish, English UK
    Spoken: French
  • Artists