Vermischte Nachrichten (Miscellaneous News) are on the last page of the newspapers. This drama strings together vignettes of events taken from everyday newspaper headlines. These stories are the base line of the film and they complement one another by creating a context. In this way, Germans are shown in their reactions to World War II, minorities, and the elderly. A side plot follows a meeting between former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and East German leader Erich Honecker. Vermischte Nachrichten is, together with Der Angriff der Gegenwart auf die übrige Zeit (1985), the last film for cinema by Alexander Kluge. Since 1988, Kluge founded and managed the platform for independent producers in German cultural television , called dctp – the Development Company For Television Program mbH.

This work has been digitised in the frame of DCA Project

Vermischte Nachrichten, Alexander Kluge, 1986. copyrightVermischte Nachrichten, Alexander Kluge, 1986. copyrightVermischte Nachrichten, Alexander Kluge, 1986. copyright  
  • Format 35mm(35 mm.)
  • Color system PAL
  • Color col.
  • Year 1986
  • Duration 00:97:00
  • Languageinfo
    Subtitles: French, English UK
    Spoken: German
  • Artists